von 22.01.2025 bis 20.02.2025
18:32 libcampo Feature #611 (Neu): Bringup:
- Need a way to calibrate crystals.
Would need an PWM output.
Heartbeat LED PA10 is also TIM1_CH3 -
13:36 libcampo Feature #302 (Abgewiesen): campo.sh: writeHwInfo: support multiple layout versions
- Things changed.
Most devices do eeprom update via CAN now.
13:33 libcampo Feature #563 (Erledigt): Remove template-feature from vagus
- Common header is implemented.
17:49 CANSwitch Fehler #602 (Erledigt): Media is not switched off
17:42 CANSwitch Fehler #602: Media is not switched off
- Issue when 2 outputs have been configured for same object.
10:00 libtdt Feature #609 (Erledigt): parse log codes from repo
- Done.
15:48 Kokon Fehler #607 (Erledigt): Check moveInterrupVectorTable; still using hardcoded 0xC0 entries?
16:32 libtdt Feature #609 (Erledigt): parse log codes from repo
- Would be cool to print nice messages in the diagnose widget of cordyceps.
Libtdt should not know about all the error...
15:01 Mainswitch Feature #608 (Neu): Shutdown command
- CANDis should have some button to shutdown mainswitch.
There will be a flash.
So it has to be a multicast shutdown-... -
14:50 Mainswitch Fehler #606 (Erledigt): Mainswitch bootloader does not fit into flash using TCB 1.6.7
14:05 Kokon Fehler #607 (Erledigt): Check moveInterrupVectorTable; still using hardcoded 0xC0 entries?
- Would be bad.
13:29 Mainswitch Fehler #606 (Erledigt): Mainswitch bootloader does not fit into flash using TCB 1.6.7
- 12 Bytes missing ;)
Hopefully some periphery can be removed from bootloader via "variant" feature.
13:03 Campo Feature #589 (Abgewiesen): Add script to find devices with obsolete firmware
- I'm happy when flashing is working.
11:07 Campo Feature #598 (Erledigt): CS2025.01
11:06 Cordyceps Feature #518 (Erledigt): Implement message server/client architecture
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #520 (Erledigt): Implement canserver/CAN-Gateway
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
- I'm happy when the scripts work.
17:45 Kokon Feature #597 (Erledigt): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
- Implemented.
17:44 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
- It was an STM32F103 with not very precise internal OSC.
17:43 Biwak Feature #572 (Erledigt): Linker script: add ram area for vector table
17:42 Biwak Fehler #596 (Abgewiesen): Device freezes on high CAN traffic
- Not valid any more.
11:35 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
- Klappt einfach nicht.
Ein nicht-toleranter Modus sollte implementiert werden der bei PProblemen sofort abbricht und ...
16:17 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
- Not sure if this is usable.
14:53 Cordyceps Feature #599 (Erledigt): Sort nodes in node view
10:49 libcampo Feature #603 (Neu): Vagus: CAN: use filters
- When flashing firmware to a device, everything gets quite busy.
This can be avoided by using filters.
* Allow all m...
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