




von 15.01.2025 bis 13.02.2025


18:32 libcampo Feature #611 (Neu): Bringup:
Need a way to calibrate crystals.
Would need an PWM output.
Heartbeat LED PA10 is also TIM1_CH3
Maximilian Seesslen
13:36 libcampo Feature #302 (Abgewiesen): writeHwInfo: support multiple layout versions
Things changed.
Most devices do eeprom update via CAN now.
Maximilian Seesslen
13:33 libcampo Feature #563 (Erledigt): Remove template-feature from vagus
Common header is implemented. Maximilian Seesslen


17:49 CANSwitch Fehler #602 (Erledigt): Media is not switched off
Maximilian Seesslen
17:42 CANSwitch Fehler #602: Media is not switched off
Issue when 2 outputs have been configured for same object.
Maximilian Seesslen


10:00 libtdt Feature #609 (Erledigt): parse log codes from repo
Done. Maximilian Seesslen


15:48 Kokon Fehler #607 (Erledigt): Check moveInterrupVectorTable; still using hardcoded 0xC0 entries?
Maximilian Seesslen


16:32 libtdt Feature #609 (Erledigt): parse log codes from repo
Would be cool to print nice messages in the diagnose widget of cordyceps.
Libtdt should not know about all the error...
Maximilian Seesslen


15:01 Mainswitch Feature #608 (Neu): Shutdown command
CANDis should have some button to shutdown mainswitch.
There will be a flash.
So it has to be a multicast shutdown-...
Maximilian Seesslen
14:50 Mainswitch Fehler #606 (Erledigt): Mainswitch bootloader does not fit into flash using TCB 1.6.7
Maximilian Seesslen


14:05 Kokon Fehler #607 (Erledigt): Check moveInterrupVectorTable; still using hardcoded 0xC0 entries?
Would be bad. Maximilian Seesslen
13:29 Mainswitch Fehler #606 (Erledigt): Mainswitch bootloader does not fit into flash using TCB 1.6.7
12 Bytes missing ;)
Hopefully some periphery can be removed from bootloader via "variant" feature.
Maximilian Seesslen
13:03 Campo Feature #589 (Abgewiesen): Add script to find devices with obsolete firmware
I'm happy when flashing is working. Maximilian Seesslen
11:07 Campo Feature #598 (Erledigt): CS2025.01
Maximilian Seesslen
11:06 Cordyceps Feature #518 (Erledigt): Implement message server/client architecture
Maximilian Seesslen
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #520 (Erledigt): Implement canserver/CAN-Gateway
Maximilian Seesslen
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
I'm happy when the scripts work. Maximilian Seesslen


17:45 Kokon Feature #597 (Erledigt): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Implemented. Maximilian Seesslen
17:44 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
It was an STM32F103 with not very precise internal OSC. Maximilian Seesslen
17:43 Biwak Feature #572 (Erledigt): Linker script: add ram area for vector table
Maximilian Seesslen
17:42 Biwak Fehler #596 (Abgewiesen): Device freezes on high CAN traffic
Not valid any more. Maximilian Seesslen


11:35 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
Klappt einfach nicht.
Ein nicht-toleranter Modus sollte implementiert werden der bei PProblemen sofort abbricht und ...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:17 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
Not sure if this is usable.
Maximilian Seesslen


14:53 Cordyceps Feature #599 (Erledigt): Sort nodes in node view
Maximilian Seesslen
10:49 libcampo Feature #603 (Neu): Vagus: CAN: use filters
When flashing firmware to a device, everything gets quite busy.
This can be avoided by using filters.
* Allow all m...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:04 CANSwitch Feature #498 (Abgewiesen): Write testing framework based on events for host PC
Testing software on PC directly is much nicer.
Maximilian Seesslen
15:54 CANSwitch Test #487 (Erledigt): Fading working
Maximilian Seesslen
15:53 CANSwitch Feature #562 (Erledigt): Binary size to big
Works well at the moment. Maximilian Seesslen
15:51 CANSwitch Fehler #602 (Erledigt): Media is not switched off
Is the fader active, so with delay of 20 Seconds?
Maximilian Seesslen
15:50 CANSwitch Test #485 (Erledigt): Timeout
Maximilian Seesslen


13:29 Cordyceps Feature #599 (Erledigt): Sort nodes in node view
The objects of nodes are already sorted.
When the nodes are also sorted, the nodes will always be at the same positi...
Maximilian Seesslen


18:44 Campo Feature #598 (Erledigt): CS2025.01
Maximilian Seesslen
18:26 Kokon Feature #597 (In Bearbeitung): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Maximilian Seesslen
18:16 Kokon Feature #597 (Erledigt): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Would be nice to be able to flash bootloader. For this a second bootloader has to be flashed at the application area.... Maximilian Seesslen
17:56 Biwak Fehler #596 (Abgewiesen): Device freezes on high CAN traffic
When flashing (other) device, mainswitch freezes.
Sending an error is problematic.
Send error only on error-transit...
Maximilian Seesslen


15:12 Kokon Feature #595 (Neu): Check board id and revision before flashing
This can be checked in flasher tool or on the devcice.
Where to keept the information for firmware files.
Database ...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:05 Cordyceps Fehler #592 (Erledigt): Dont show MMP messages in nodes tree
Maximilian Seesslen

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