von 25.08.2024 bis 23.09.2024
15:39 Biwak Revision 70e0c1a2 (libbiwak3): log: fixed header for default config
15:10 Biwak Revision 41d455e0 (libbiwak3): fixed usage of BIWAK_USE_INPUT_SIGNAL
14:29 Biwak Revision 5a7d644e (libbiwak3): cmake: cleanup
14:13 Biwak Revision 10f3698e (libbiwak3): fixed test for logging
14:04 Biwak Revision 7e576f5a (libbiwak3): cmake: include config header automatically
09:51 Biwak Revision a2f1fb43 (libbiwak3): i2c: use leptos IS_ENABLED
09:51 Biwak Revision b2409cf4 (libbiwak3): constify
18:14 CANDis Fehler #559 (Abgewiesen): When adding item to Minutnik, artifacts from Minutnik-Screen are seen on the items screen
- Not reproducible on v0.7.1
10:47 theme_noto Feature #566 (Neu): create const icon references
- The linker already knows the icon addresses.
Looking up the icon addresses at start works fine but takes some time.
... -
10:45 theme_noto Fehler #530 (Erledigt): change "binary" macro
21:44 Biwak Revision 62d20aee (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'devel' of git.seesslen.net:src/libbiwak into devel
21:44 Biwak Revision 47fb3295 (libbiwak3): log: adjust layout for longer filename length
20:23 Biwak Revision b1094136 (libbiwak3): draft
20:23 Biwak Revision 61c473e8 (libbiwak3): option_bytes: fixed compiling for stm32g4
20:23 Biwak Revision 5ed4ffec (libbiwak3): cmake: use use_common_config_headers()
21:01 Biwak Revision ed45bae6 (libbiwak3): cmake: check variable COMMON_CONFIG_HEADER instead of checking campo folder
- "campo" is specific.
12:01 Biwak Revision d90afeca (libbiwak3): cmake: look for config/config.h directly
21:03 Biwak Revision 810f535e (libbiwak3): log: fixed showing the log category
21:03 Biwak Revision 892ad91b (libbiwak3): CFlashI2c::dump(): show address width
21:02 Biwak Revision 3f11fe9b (libbiwak3): added LED blink mode for bootloader
21:01 Biwak Revision fc9711e0 (libbiwak3): added CI2cSlave::getBus()
21:01 Biwak Revision 5e691b62 (libbiwak3): cmake: evaluate BIWAK_CONFIG
- BIWAK_CONFIG can provide an project wide header for configuration
Every compile unit will automatically incl... -
20:59 Biwak Revision 2a9ab208 (libbiwak3): added linker_script.h
- This provides access to symbols which are set in linker script
20:58 Biwak Revision 77adbdc7 (libbiwak3): added support for stm32 option bytes
20:58 Biwak Revision b5a51dd7 (libbiwak3): cmake: fixed formating
20:43 libcampo Feature #564 (Erledigt): config-header: use nice macros to check for features
20:29 libcampo Feature #565 (Erledigt): config description
13:31 libcampo Feature #565: config description
- ...
15:40 libcampo Feature #565 (Erledigt): config description
Support for biwak UID. NMT can change NodeID by UID. CollectHwData can store it so production data ... -
15:00 libcampo Feature #564 (Erledigt): config-header: use nice macros to check for features
- ...
14:13 libcampo Feature #563 (Erledigt): Remove template-feature from vagus
- See wiki for descriptions.
Library should work with project-config-header instead of magically perdefines and pre-de...
08:58 Biwak Revision e720ff52 (libbiwak3): draft
08:58 Biwak Revision 70160256 (libbiwak3): adjusted log output
22:24 Biwak Revision 95f2796b (libbiwak3): log: merge event and category to shrink binary size
22:21 Biwak Revision 57d81aaf (libbiwak3): size shrink and cleanup
11:44 CANSwitch Feature #562 (Erledigt): Binary size to big
- I had to disable UART to get it compile.
21:17 Biwak Revision 34b938e4 (libbiwak3): log: fixed compiling tests
19:05 Biwak Revision 6b83050f (libbiwak3): log: fixed testing with LEPTO_LOG_USE_PRETTY_PRINT not set
- 15:38 Biwak Revision dad0cef1 (libbiwak3): flash: use default page sizes 1 to pass the tests
- 11:51 Biwak Revision bd0ad231 (libbiwak3): uart: .AdvFeatureInit in UART_HandleTypeDef is optional for some devices
09:22 Biwak Revision c0da3254 (libbiwak3): draft
16:06 Biwak Revision bcc4b354 (libbiwak3): cleanup
14:30 Biwak Revision 2cde3dd2 (libbiwak3): cleanup
13:58 Biwak Revision d8dc37bc (libbiwak3): spi: fixed switch statement
13:54 Biwak Revision 30352200 (libbiwak3): retain: initialize counters with zeros
13:53 Biwak Revision 2ea3115c (libbiwak3): increased log entries when LEPTO_LOG_USE_PRETTY_PRINT is set
13:51 Biwak Revision 4a5c1f5d (libbiwak3): drawCircleBlock: support unfilled circles
- This does not work well. Pixels are missing.
Unfilled circles should be drawn with drawCircleHBlock(). -
13:50 Biwak Revision a7ee2a40 (libbiwak3): cosmetics
13:49 Biwak Revision 487ed921 (libbiwak3): flash_spi: reduced retries
13:49 Biwak Revision e6197caa (libbiwak3): draft
13:48 Biwak Revision 3c5412cd (libbiwak3): adopted spi changes
13:47 Biwak Revision fe60bc7f (libbiwak3): ili9341: use CSpiSlave as base for controlling chip select
13:44 Biwak Revision 87a6190c (libbiwak3): spi: supprt nested chip select
- Avoid unnecessary CS-toggling.
13:43 Biwak Revision b9061047 (libbiwak3): spi: cleanup code
- Unified methods; got rid of writeData24 etc.
Take care about endisness convertion.
10:18 CANDis Fehler #558: Reading touch calibration is very unreliable
- Before closing this defect, check if the status of SPI HAL command is "OK". Add result as a comment in the code.
10:15 CANDis Fehler #558: Reading touch calibration is very unreliable
- The initial reading of JDEC-ID does not work and so the erase-page-size is the default 8.
Does the default value m...
20:58 Biwak Revision 535f43e7 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'devel' of git.seesslen.net:src/libbiwak into devel
20:58 Biwak Revision 4f2ecad1 (libbiwak3): CFlashSpi::io_wr: return status
20:56 Biwak Revision 91874925 (libbiwak3): [#558] added reties if the jedec id could not be read at start
- The page-erase size is determined at start. If the JDEC-Id could not be
read at start, CRetain will make nonsense.
T... -
10:28 CANDis Fehler #558: Reading touch calibration is very unreliable
- The retain-header address is different. No delays needed.
09:53 CANDis Fehler #558: Reading touch calibration is very unreliable
- When device is ok, a soft-reset can not reproduce the problem.
When device is ok, a warm-reset via reset-button can ...
18:21 CANDis Feature #560 (Erledigt): Create library versions
18:18 CANDis Fehler #559 (Abgewiesen): When adding item to Minutnik, artifacts from Minutnik-Screen are seen on the items screen
11:00 CANDis Fehler #558 (Neu): Reading touch calibration is very unreliable
- No idea whats going on here.
Devices are not really usable.
Write a loop, make retain-code verbose.
10:57 CANDis Feature #556 (Erledigt): move button slots to screen implementations
09:56 Biwak Revision d4297134 (libbiwak3): gdisplay_ili9341: fixed drawing single pixels
22:41 CANDis Fehler #557 (Neu): When switchin from "minutnik running items" to clock, background of letters are violet
- Probably the background is just not set correctly.
20:23 Biwak Revision d3ded16e (libbiwak3): added some dummy methods for timer for x86
17:26 CANDis Feature #556 (Erledigt): move button slots to screen implementations
- The CCanDis implementation is quite large, 858 lines of code.
Minutnik-implementation in the main CCanDis file is ... -
17:24 CANDis Fehler #554 (Erledigt): Touch calibration needed
- 17:24 Biwak Revision 287114af (libbiwak3): fixed building with Qt5
14:41 CANDis Fehler #555 (Erledigt): RTC is not working on any device any more
- Reconstruction of vagus was the problem.
digestWriteObject() of candis was not called for date/time.
09:29 Biwak Revision 14984deb (libbiwak3): cleanup
11:03 CANDis Fehler #555 (Erledigt): RTC is not working on any device any more
- Even when setting the time via cordyceps, the time is set to 0 afteer the RTC-Sync.
This should not happen even if t... -
09:57 Biwak Revision 3c7f3c3b (libbiwak3): fixed header
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