



von 19.08.2022 bis 17.09.2022


17:08 CANDis Feature #234 (Erledigt): Get rid of candis_eval directory
Maximilian Seesslen
16:23 Campo Feature #236 (Erledigt): Fix cmake include structure
Maximilian Seesslen
16:20 Campo Feature #212 (In Bearbeitung): inherit from multiple files
Maximilian Seesslen
16:12 Campo Feature #212 (Erledigt): inherit from multiple files
done. Maximilian Seesslen
13:58 Minutnik eInk Feature #255 (Erledigt): Start implementation of software
The miniminutnik-Software should work basically.
An command for handling display is necessary.
Maximilian Seesslen


09:20 TCB Feature #250 (Erledigt): add native glibc 2.36
Maximilian Seesslen
09:19 TCB Feature #251 (Erledigt): update binutils to 2.39
Maximilian Seesslen
09:14 TCB Feature #253 (Erledigt): update picolibc to 1.7.8
Maximilian Seesslen


22:07 TCB Feature #249 (Erledigt): Update gcc to 12.2
Maximilian Seesslen
14:49 TCB Feature #249 (Erledigt): Update gcc to 12.2
Maximilian Seesslen
20:42 TCB Feature #252 (Erledigt): update cmake to 3.24.1
Maximilian Seesslen
14:55 TCB Feature #252 (Erledigt): update cmake to 3.24.1
Maximilian Seesslen
15:53 TCB Feature #253 (Erledigt): update picolibc to 1.7.8
Maximilian Seesslen
14:52 TCB Feature #251 (Erledigt): update binutils to 2.39
Maximilian Seesslen
14:50 TCB Feature #250 (Erledigt): add native glibc 2.36
Maximilian Seesslen


17:49 miniminutnik Fehler #248 (Neu): hw v0.2.x: add quirk to board file for UART pulldown
RX must not float when nothing is connected. An pulldown is necessary.
current bords do not have this. STM32 interna...
Maximilian Seesslen
10:35 libocelli Feature #242 (Neu): implement png reader
The image format is not that complicated itself;
But an zlib decompres...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:45 Biwak Feature #241 (Neu): implement SPI DMA transmit
Beep-Modes sound horrible when something is drawn on display.
* e.g. injecting eventLoops while drawing something ...
Maximilian Seesslen
16:24 libocelli Feature #237: Implement icons
One channel:
FG: 0xFF
BG: 0x10
fAlpha: 0xFF
bAlpha: (0xFF-0xFF) = 0x0
nFGg= (0xFF*0xFF)/0xFF = 0xFF
nBG= (0x...
Maximilian Seesslen


13:58 CANDis Feature #239 (Erledigt): Screen: Standby
* Digital Clock with date and temperature
* Navi-Screen shown
** 4 Buttons
** Main-Menu / Home-Butt...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:26 libocelli Feature #238 (Erledigt): implement Navi-Screen
There is an overlay screen that is always active.
It can be deactivated for alarm screens and screen saver.
Maximilian Seesslen
10:50 libocelli Feature #230 (Erledigt): Implement buttons
Maximilian Seesslen


18:13 libocelli Feature #237 (Erledigt): Implement icons
Does Biwak already support such thing? Expect the drawLine.
Set background color; Alpha-Channel would be nice.
Its ...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:51 Campo Feature #236 (Erledigt): Fix cmake include structure
At the moment every subdir has a bunch of "include_directories".
This should be handeled different in CMake.
An sub...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:01 Campo Fehler #130 (Erledigt): cmake gitversion.h is not correct
using shell script now. Maximilian Seesslen


15:13 CANDis Feature #235 (Erledigt): Screen: CANMon
** Static list with target-Values, delta
** Home-Menu-Button
** Color depending on delta
** Timeout for values to ...
Maximilian Seesslen
13:21 CANDis Feature #234 (Erledigt): Get rid of candis_eval directory
"candis_eval" directory is the actual "candis", it contains the bringup.
Maximilian Seesslen


19:33 Biwak Unterstützung #224 (Erledigt): EXTI: implement new interrupt procedure
Maximilian Seesslen
19:32 Biwak Feature #226 (Erledigt): CPwmLine: implement blink mode
Maximilian Seesslen
19:25 libcampo Feature #223 (Erledigt): bringup: show library version, not only SHA
done. Maximilian Seesslen
12:57 libocelli Feature #230 (Erledigt): Implement buttons
Maximilian Seesslen
11:35 Biwak Feature #228 (Abgewiesen): CPwmLine: implement blink mode adjustement
The beep mode e.g. handles fade in/out Light or to have an smothly blinking LED.
A special feature is needed to en...
Maximilian Seesslen


12:55 Biwak Feature #190 (Erledigt): add host tool canpong
Moved to libcampo. Maximilian Seesslen
12:51 Biwak Feature #225 (Erledigt): Implement TSC2007 touch controller
Done. Maximilian Seesslen
12:50 Biwak Feature #218 (Erledigt): Clean up CAN code
Maximilian Seesslen


14:17 Biwak Feature #226 (Erledigt): CPwmLine: implement blink mode
The beep mode changes frequency according to array.
The blink mode should change pwm values.This is neccessary to fa...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:07 Biwak Feature #225 (Erledigt): Implement TSC2007 touch controller
Not completed yet. Only part of CANDis main.cpp.
Maximilian Seesslen
11:05 Biwak Unterstützung #224 (Erledigt): EXTI: implement new interrupt procedure
The current implementation looks a little bit strange.
The CExti is no interrupt but the CInput is.
CExti should be...
Maximilian Seesslen


18:32 libcampo Feature #223 (Erledigt): bringup: show library version, not only SHA
(regex: 'v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
git describe --tags --match 'v[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*'
Maximilian Seesslen
18:14 Biwak Feature #190: add host tool canpong
Move tool to campo. Its "CBringup"-specific. Maximilian Seesslen
17:12 libcampo Feature #222 (Erledigt): bringup: add results with type info
* Flash sizes
* Eeprom sizes, Address-size
** uint32_t HAL_GetREVID (void )
** uint32_t HAL_GetDEVID (void ...
Maximilian Seesslen
12:02 Campo Feature #194 (Erledigt): Move class tester to class "CBringup" in libcampo
Maximilian Seesslen
12:01 Campo Unterstützung #82 (Erledigt): Add test functions for periphery
Maximilian Seesslen


12:13 libcampo Feature #220 (Erledigt): CBringup: add user input function
Altough the code does not shrink, it makes it more readable;... Maximilian Seesslen
11:19 Biwak Feature #190: add host tool canpong
Move it to campo. Its related to CBringup. Maximilian Seesslen

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