Unterstützung #82
Add test functions for periphery
The bringup software should be able to easily test periphery.
CANIO already has some test routines. They should be available in general.
Move them to a tests.cpp. No Arena stuff.
Having an test-class could help to make some overall information.
testSpiFlash( pPlatform->m_spi );
testSpiLoopback( pPlatform->m_spi );
testI2cEeprom( pPlatform->m_i2c, bottom=true );
testInternFlash( );
testCan( ECanSpeed, ECanTest::ExternLoopback/ECanTest::Mirror );
The test routines should not be in the biwak periphery clases. There will be some assumptions or depencies.
Just use functions or a seperate test class.
Those tests will also provide units-tests for biwak itself.
The fosh commands for i2c and sf are waste of space for regular use.
Von Redmine Admin vor etwa 3 Jahren aktualisiert
- Beschreibung aktualisiert (diff)
- Zielversion wurde von v2.0.1 zu v2.1.0 geändert
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert
An nice protocoll should be created without the interaction (e.g. "press button") output.
An test should have sub-tests. Having nested lists might be a problem for 16K-MCUs.
Tests can not be run automatically because there might be something to prepare (e.g. select-switch).
ltest("Receive", ch=='y', ch);
CList<CResult> m_results;
class CResult
const char *group;
const char *testString;
enum EResult;
CBringup::setGroup(const char *groupString)
const char *currentGroup;
printf( "Test protocol:\n"
for(CResult &result: m_results)
if( currentGroup != result->group )
currentGroup = result->group;
printf( "%s:\n", currentGroup);
currentGroup = result->group;
printf( "%s:\n", currentGroup);
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert
Markdown can be used for protocol;
- Test Protocol 'CANDis'
System information | |
:------ | :----------- |
Serial number | 3 |
Rev. Campo | 0c8659898+3 |
Rev. Bringup | 0c865 |
Rev. Biwak | 0c865 |
Rev. Lepto | 0c862322 |
UART | |
:------ | -----------: |
data | path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates. |
engine | engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default. |
ext | extension to be used for dest files. |
Receive char | <span style="color:green">OK</span> |
Receive another char | <span style="color:red">Failure</span> |
CAN | |
:-- | :------------------------------------------------------ |
Transmit message | <span style="color:green">OK</span> |
Receive message | <span style="color:red">Failure</span> |
CANPong-message-ID | <span style="color:red">Failure</span> |
USB | |
:-- | --: |
Receie String from virtual keyboard | <span style="color:green">OK</span> |
- Result
:-- | :------------------------------------------------------ |
Good | <span style="color:green">12</span> |
Warning | <span style="color:orange">12</span> |
Bad | <span style="color:red">12</span> |
Total | 12 |
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert
- Projekt wurde von Biwak zu Campo geändert
- Zielversion
v2.1.0wurde gelöscht
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert
- Status wurde von Neu zu Erledigt geändert