von 05.05.2022 bis 03.06.2022
20:38 TCB Feature #196 (Erledigt): update pico libc to 1.7.7
20:38 TCB Feature #195 (Erledigt): Update GCC to 12.1.0
16:29 Campo Feature #144: implement hwdata stterm command
- It uses the readHwInfo from Platform implementation. So storage location is not implied to the command.
readHwInfo v... -
16:22 miniminutnik Fehler #193 (Erledigt): Command line not usable due to missing ram
- updating libs fixed the issue.
Test for free memory? ... -
14:17 TCB Feature #196 (Erledigt): update pico libc to 1.7.7
- check if strtol() is still buggy.
CBringup from libcampo should perform some sanity checks/Unit tests.
Check if t... -
14:15 TCB Feature #195 (Erledigt): Update GCC to 12.1.0
- Its officially release now.
13:55 Campo Feature #194 (Erledigt): Move class tester to class "CBringup" in libcampo
- The class may use some other libraries.
The bringup could also make some sanity-checks for libc.
(E.g. strtol("5") ...
22:03 miniminutnik Fehler #192 (Erledigt): MCU freezes
17:12 miniminutnik Fehler #192 (Erledigt): MCU freezes
- The MCU still freezes.
It looks like the floating UART-RX floods the MCU with messages which can not be stored.
Che... -
21:56 miniminutnik Fehler #193 (Erledigt): Command line not usable due to missing ram
- Device freezes
14:52 Biwak Feature #190 (Erledigt): add host tool canpong
- Create an test tool for host that will receive can messages, increase the id by one and send it back.
12:22 Sensemux SW Fehler #186: RTC does not store date
- Reading software clearifies that this behaviour is by design.
I remember i fixed something; Check if there is an old... -
11:19 Sensemux SW Fehler #186: RTC does not store date
- https://www.stm32duino.com/viewtopic.php?t=775
It claims that STM32F1 just can not keep the date and user has to k... -
11:04 Sensemux SW Fehler #186 (Neu): RTC does not store date
- Time is working fine.
Seting date and time works fine. After reset the time is still valid but the date is zeroed.
14:43 CANDis Feature #185 (Neu): Evaluate RTC calibration
- There is an little drift in the RTC.
|_. Value |_. Behaviour |_. Drift |
| 0 | Running to slow | ... -
14:37 CANDis Fehler #184 (Erledigt): periodically sync RTC with extern RTC
- Drift of intern RTC is quite big.
Perfom an sync every hour.
12:21 Campo Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
- Auto-Tagging is bad. Reduce functions;
- prepareTag
- createDocumentation
- uploadDocumentation
- createArchive
17:53 Campo Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
- With Software this is fine.
In der Hardware entsteht die Doku i.d.R. nach der Inbetriebnahme.
Hochzahlen des Patc... -
11:42 Campo Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
- Little bit more complicated.
The open Changelogs may have to be merged (relay this feature)
Tags in the files hav...
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