Fehler #186
RTC does not store date
Time is working fine.
Seting date and time works fine. After reset the time is still valid but the date is zeroed.
Some comment that this is a bug in the STM32F103.
Some comment that the date is written to SRAM and has to be kind of synced.
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor fast 3 Jahren aktualisiert
It claims that STM32F1 just can not keep the date and user has to keep track by himself. :O
Would be fine but is this a bug in HAL?
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor fast 3 Jahren aktualisiert
Reading software clearifies that this behaviour is by design.
I remember i fixed something; Check if there is an old patch.
Alternative 1:
Read-sync date on startup from Backup-Register before any RRTC read access;
Read-sync date on any get/set-date/time. This would still loose an day when powering off after 00:00:00 o clock and within first getTime command.
-> Quite easy, no change of HAL code, minimal error-prone
Alternative 2:
The 32bit counter is capable of storing date for futher 80 years (at least since 1970).
get rid of the autoadjust and just add an offset.
-> Big changes of HAL code, error-save
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert
- Projekt wurde von CANSwitch zu sensemux geändert
- Zugewiesen an wurde auf Maximilian Seesslen gesetzt
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor etwa 2 Jahren aktualisiert
- Projekt wurde von sensemux zu Sensemux SW geändert