



von 01.01.2025 bis 30.01.2025


14:05 Kokon Fehler #607 (Erledigt): Check moveInterrupVectorTable; still using hardcoded 0xC0 entries?
Would be bad. Maximilian Seesslen
13:03 Feature #589 (Abgewiesen): Add script to find devices with obsolete firmware
I'm happy when flashing is working. Maximilian Seesslen
11:07 Feature #598 (Erledigt): CS2025.01
Maximilian Seesslen
11:06 Cordyceps Feature #518 (Erledigt): Implement message server/client architecture
Maximilian Seesslen
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #520 (Erledigt): Implement canserver/CAN-Gateway
Maximilian Seesslen
11:04 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
I'm happy when the scripts work. Maximilian Seesslen


17:45 Kokon Feature #597 (Erledigt): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Implemented. Maximilian Seesslen
17:44 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
It was an STM32F103 with not very precise internal OSC. Maximilian Seesslen
17:43 Biwak Feature #572 (Erledigt): Linker script: add ram area for vector table
Maximilian Seesslen
17:42 Biwak Fehler #596 (Abgewiesen): Device freezes on high CAN traffic
Not valid any more. Maximilian Seesslen


11:35 libtdt Fehler #605 (Erledigt): MMP communication with >2 nodes
Klappt einfach nicht.
Ein nicht-toleranter Modus sollte implementiert werden der bei PProblemen sofort abbricht und ...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:17 Cordyceps Feature #604 (Abgewiesen): Flash firmware automatically
Not sure if this is usable.
Maximilian Seesslen


14:53 Cordyceps Feature #599 (Erledigt): Sort nodes in node view
Maximilian Seesslen
10:49 libcampo Feature #603 (Neu): Vagus: CAN: use filters
When flashing firmware to a device, everything gets quite busy.
This can be avoided by using filters.
* Allow all m...
Maximilian Seesslen


13:29 Cordyceps Feature #599 (Erledigt): Sort nodes in node view
The objects of nodes are already sorted.
When the nodes are also sorted, the nodes will always be at the same positi...
Maximilian Seesslen


18:44 Feature #598 (Erledigt): CS2025.01
Maximilian Seesslen
18:26 Kokon Feature #597 (In Bearbeitung): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Maximilian Seesslen
18:16 Kokon Feature #597 (Erledigt): Support second bootloader for flashing first bootloader
Would be nice to be able to flash bootloader. For this a second bootloader has to be flashed at the application area.... Maximilian Seesslen
17:56 Biwak Fehler #596 (Abgewiesen): Device freezes on high CAN traffic
When flashing (other) device, mainswitch freezes.
Sending an error is problematic.
Send error only on error-transit...
Maximilian Seesslen


15:12 Kokon Feature #595 (Neu): Check board id and revision before flashing
This can be checked in flasher tool or on the devcice.
Where to keept the information for firmware files.
Database ...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:05 Cordyceps Fehler #592 (Erledigt): Dont show MMP messages in nodes tree
Maximilian Seesslen


15:38 libcampo Feature #593 (Neu): hwdata: clean up
Clean up the code a bit.
An seperate application should be created for dumping, generating eeprom content, transfe...
Maximilian Seesslen
14:33 Cordyceps Fehler #592 (Erledigt): Dont show MMP messages in nodes tree
Its interpreted as regular TDT object. Maximilian Seesslen


16:26 libcampo Feature #588 (Erledigt): hwDataGen
Maximilian Seesslen


16:06 theme_noto Feature #566: create const icon references
Looks like there is something implemented. But documentation about generated header is completely missing.
Maximilian Seesslen


11:20 Biwak Fehler #590 (Erledigt): lrElapsed does not work any more
Test is added.
Problem was in Mainswitch. After a Software-Shutdown the shutdown-message was spamed when power was...
Maximilian Seesslen


18:31 Biwak Feature #591 (Neu): move timing functions to systimer.cpp
Make it clean. "usleep()" is in no way related to CTimer. Maximilian Seesslen
16:28 Biwak Fehler #590: lrElapsed does not work any more
This can be a unit test for host.... Maximilian Seesslen
14:32 Biwak Fehler #590 (Erledigt): lrElapsed does not work any more
It waits for the first elapse event and then returns true forever.
Looks like timer-value is not updated.
Very ba...
Maximilian Seesslen
15:09 Kokon Feature #585 (Erledigt): Implement scanning nodes and switching run mode
Maximilian Seesslen
14:27 Biwak Feature #470 (Erledigt): cmake function to select bootloader or application with bootloader
Maximilian Seesslen
14:13 Feature #589 (Abgewiesen): Add script to find devices with obsolete firmware
Put logic for SQLite database to CANFlasher/kokon is bad.
Generate parsable version output to CANFlasher tool would ...
Maximilian Seesslen
12:19 libcampo Feature #588 (Erledigt): hwDataGen
Create generator tool.
The scipts are nice but confusing.
Maximilian Seesslen
12:11 libcampo Feature #491 (Erledigt): Vagus: implement command to switch to bootloader
Maximilian Seesslen
12:10 libcampo Feature #457 (Erledigt): Track library release sizes
Maximilian Seesslen
12:01 Feature #500 (Erledigt): reactivate qt integration
Maximilian Seesslen
11:59 Cordyceps Feature #520 (In Bearbeitung): Implement canserver/CAN-Gateway
Maximilian Seesslen
11:58 Cordyceps Feature #520 (Erledigt): Implement canserver/CAN-Gateway
CANHub is created, should be used by cordyceps. Maximilian Seesslen


08:01 Biwak Revision 7d225b27 (libbiwak3): fixed building for host
Redmine Admin
07:49 Biwak Revision 78dd256b (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
07:37 Biwak Revision a8cf4469 (libbiwak3): fixed building for host
Redmine Admin
07:32 Biwak Revision 4e83100c (libbiwak3): fixed compiling for host
Redmine Admin
07:14 Biwak Revision 568ca0ca (libbiwak3): flash: optional 32bit write access
Redmine Admin


22:38 Biwak Revision 87431d82 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'devel' of into devel
Redmine Admin
22:34 Biwak Revision f20dea84 (libbiwak3): internal flash: draft for writing 32bit values
Redmine Admin
18:47 Biwak Revision 152495e8 (libbiwak3): fixed flashing option bytes
Redmine Admin


19:23 Biwak Revision caf8b9a0 (libbiwak3): ADC: lit compile it for unspecified STM32
Redmine Admin
12:40 Biwak Revision 3f427f2f (libbiwak3): Fixed ADC for stm32g0
Redmine Admin
10:10 Biwak Revision 9ab921d8 (libbiwak3): stage for changing IS_ENABLED()
Redmine Admin


21:59 Biwak Revision 49223a04 (libbiwak3): stage for changing IS_ENABLED()
Redmine Admin
20:51 Biwak Revision 31052c89 (libbiwak3): fixed compiling for host
Redmine Admin
20:14 Biwak Revision 310f0938 (libbiwak3): support bootloader != 16K
Redmine Admin
20:09 Biwak Revision 989a3694 (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
20:02 Biwak Revision d673b288 (libbiwak3): added biwakPrintDateInfo()
Redmine Admin
20:02 Biwak Revision 68b05f3e (libbiwak3): added biwakPrintDateInfo()
Redmine Admin
19:42 Biwak Revision 1a691b06 (libbiwak3): stage for changing IS_ENABLED()
Redmine Admin
19:39 Biwak Revision ba76c7d9 (libbiwak3): stage for changing IS_ENABLED()
Redmine Admin
19:31 Biwak Revision f248ae75 (libbiwak3): staged change of IS_ENABLED()
get rid of automatically adding CONFIG_ Redmine Admin
18:17 Biwak Revision e5fca9bd (libbiwak3): print log cathegory
Redmine Admin
17:52 Biwak Revision cb373e53 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'devel' of into devel
Redmine Admin
17:48 Biwak Revision 8ae9a168 (libbiwak3): test: retain: check for not set BIWAK_I2C_RETAIN_ONLY
Redmine Admin
15:24 Biwak Revision 1a21721b (libbiwak3): updated log
Redmine Admin
01:54 Biwak Revision 4b493832 (libbiwak3): adc: dont assume channel to be unset when switching
Why should this be assumed? Mito does not boot. Redmine Admin

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