von 12.01.2023 bis 10.02.2023
- 14:32 Fehler #358 (Erledigt): Debugging not working on 1.6.5
- GDB was build and installed in binutils also but with wrong/no configuration.
- 10:54 Fehler #358 (Erledigt): Debugging not working on 1.6.5
- On command line gdb is working well. Openocd does not show any output when trying with Qtcreator.
Install 1.6.4. o...
- 14:31 Fehler #357 (Neu): python-host: on debian pip and setuptools are not created automatically
- On Ubuntu these packages just exist aftern instaling python-host.
No additional build necessary.
Maybe just a con... - 11:43 Feature #355 (Neu): activate chroot tests again
- * build on ubuntu focal
* build without hosttools installed on host (use own installation)
* build with hosttools i...
- 11:11 Fehler #351: asciidoc (host) does not get installed
- This worked:...
- 10:52 Fehler #351: asciidoc (host) does not get installed
- https://github.com/asciidoc-py/asciidoc-py/releases/tag/10.2.0
- 10:49 Fehler #351 (Erledigt): asciidoc (host) does not get installed
- Needed for generating the readme.
Maybe some further changes to support pip for package installation.
Auch abrufbar als: Atom