von 20.10.2023 bis 18.11.2023
18:04 libcampo Feature #436 (Erledigt): Activate CVagus again
- An template class that already handles default stuff like storing Configuration/HWInfo, handling NMT.
Just the funct...
15:00 Canbridge Feature #429: Multi-Nodes
- Manual: " Address Based"
14:31 Canbridge Feature #429 (Neu): Multi-Nodes
- There should not only be point-to-point connections. Each device should talk to each device.
So a package contains:
15:41 Canbridge Feature #428 (Neu): Retransmit Messages
- * In starting phase there is an auto-tune which requires traffic
* There are at least some CRC errors
Auch abrufbar als: Atom