



von 01.03.2023 bis 30.03.2023


14:34 Campo Feature #391 (Erledigt): create devel branches
nearly all projects are building from the master branch.
So this is a good point to create releases and continue dev...
Maximilian Seesslen


21:33 libHALWrapper Feature #389 (Erledigt): copy HAL sources to binary direcotry instead of source directory
Maximilian Seesslen
14:51 Biwak Fehler #377 (Erledigt): vfprintf does not work
Maximilian Seesslen


20:42 liblepto Fehler #380 (Erledigt): l_vfprintf does not work properly
Maximilian Seesslen
14:35 libHALWrapper Feature #389 (Erledigt): copy HAL sources to binary direcotry instead of source directory
The sourcedirectory should be readonly while building.
Laminar should be able to use fixed sources from user directo...
Maximilian Seesslen
14:30 Biwak Fehler #386 (Erledigt): I2C is not working
Maximilian Seesslen


14:48 Biwak Fehler #386 (Erledigt): I2C is not working
Restoring I2C results in timout error. Although the data looks corect.
Maybe this is an stack overflow.
* Fill th...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:20 TCB Fehler #385 (Erledigt): Still issues with texinfo/perl
... Maximilian Seesslen


17:30 Campo Fehler #384 (Abgewiesen): Change default CAN baudrate to 250KB
The cables are not even drilled. Maximilian Seesslen
16:09 Campo Fehler #384 (Abgewiesen): Change default CAN baudrate to 250KB
Raystar CAN Displays have it that way.
Maximilian Seesslen


18:34 liblepto Fehler #380 (Erledigt): l_vfprintf does not work properly
Maximilian Seesslen
13:21 TCB Fehler #379 (Abgewiesen): openocd 0.12.0 has problems with stm32f3x
Just can not write to flash
v0.11.0 is working
Maximilian Seesslen
11:48 TCB Fehler #378 (Erledigt): shared host libstdc++ does not get installed
gdb may not start without wrong libstdc++
How to compile standalone:
Maximilian Seesslen


18:42 Biwak Fehler #377 (Erledigt): vfprintf does not work
Content is printed before/outside log log eventloop.
Actually "vsnprintf" should get called but it is not.
Create a...
Maximilian Seesslen


21:24 Biwak Feature #376: pwm: remove barel organ
304 Bytes flash safed, CFader enabled. Maximilian Seesslen
21:07 Biwak Feature #376 (Erledigt): pwm: remove barel organ
Instanciate this class seperately.
The eventloop would also call barel organs event loop and may waste space.
An mu...
Maximilian Seesslen


13:08 Mainswitch Fehler #370 (Erledigt): Auto power off devices does not work
Maximilian Seesslen


14:47 liblepto Feature #371 (Erledigt): Shorten enum namings
Done. Maximilian Seesslen


11:41 liblepto Feature #371 (Erledigt): Shorten enum namings
Add an Tdt namespace.
Maximilian Seesslen
11:38 liblepto Feature #367 (Erledigt): log: implement lDebugAssert
Maximilian Seesslen
11:27 Mainswitch Fehler #370 (Erledigt): Auto power off devices does not work
Lights are still on after 8 hours. Maximilian Seesslen


11:43 CANIO Feature #369 (Neu): Send alarm on I2C error
Its anoying when cordyceps does not continue painting due to I2C errors which are not recognized.
Problems should at...
Maximilian Seesslen

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