



von 30.01.2023 bis 28.02.2023


15:34 Biwak Revision f7a776b8 (libbiwak3): cosmetics
Redmine Admin
14:27 Biwak Revision 150739c9 (libbiwak3): gettimeofday: return UTC
Redmine Admin
12:25 Biwak Revision a6ac8fd3 (libbiwak3): sd: fixed clock divider
Redmine Admin


23:16 Biwak Revision 4e162215 (libbiwak3): log: fixed category
Redmine Admin
21:43 Biwak Revision 292bc953 (libbiwak3): fixed building for x86
Redmine Admin


23:18 Biwak Revision b831c675 (libbiwak3): si705x: reduced log severity when device is not present
Redmine Admin
23:15 Biwak Revision 4a7dd860 (libbiwak3): sd: fixed waiting for operations to finish
Redmine Admin
23:14 Biwak Revision b1555601 (libbiwak3): can: added 'death' feature to avoid log spam on bringup
Redmine Admin
23:13 Biwak Revision 06923b71 (libbiwak3): tmp117: disable device when id could not be read
Redmine Admin
23:12 Biwak Revision c62b5e32 (libbiwak3): adopted lepto log features
Redmine Admin


18:25 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
How to measure the 'cost';
* Build debug (CANRec), release; track sizes
* create feature-branch
* implement it
* ...
Maximilian Seesslen
13:31 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
Alignment would be also ok in the "pretty-print" version;... Maximilian Seesslen
12:27 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
... Maximilian Seesslen
12:26 liblepto Feature #367 (Erledigt): log: implement lDebugAssert
Biwak classes should be able to indicate errors in debug mode
that may be handled in application layer later.
Maximilian Seesslen


20:34 Biwak Revision 08992cf0 (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin


12:57 Biwak Revision a5cfef2f (libbiwak3): tmp117: use centi celsius
Redmine Admin
12:54 Biwak Revision 9948f77a (libbiwak3): tmp117: avoid using float
Redmine Admin
12:42 Biwak Revision a6279eaa (libbiwak3): tmp117: use milli celsius instead of float
Redmine Admin
10:25 Biwak Revision 805139be (libbiwak3): disabled bme680 sources
Redmine Admin


11:15 Biwak Revision a831d098 (libbiwak3): rtc: dont stop when rtc could not be initialised
Redmine Admin
11:15 Biwak Revision baf30444 (libbiwak3): increased logging entries
Redmine Admin
11:14 Biwak Revision 5098e24e (libbiwak3): implemented si705x
Redmine Admin


21:29 Biwak Revision 00d47ed1 (libbiwak3): adopted lepto changes
Redmine Admin


12:26 Cordyceps Feature #365 (Neu): Show event marker in plots
Just another kind of diagram;
Show vertical dottet lines when a plant was watered.
Maximilian Seesslen


17:28 Sensemux SW Feature #364 (Neu): evaluate more values
use time slices; e.g. 30min.
When the value does not change more than XXX over the given time, consider the value to...
Maximilian Seesslen
17:12 Cordyceps Feature #363 (Neu): Show marker in plots
Just horizontal lines for min/max values for 3 sensor kinds.
Maximilian Seesslen
16:34 CANRec Feature #362 (Erledigt): Replay recordings
There is a function code that sends recorded message.
An replay state machine has to be implemented that iterates ov...
Maximilian Seesslen


14:47 CANDis Feature #356 (Erledigt): remove standalone canmon application
Maximilian Seesslen
14:32 TCB Fehler #358 (Erledigt): Debugging not working on 1.6.5
GDB was build and installed in binutils also but with wrong/no configuration. Maximilian Seesslen


20:18 Biwak Revision c15003b0 (libbiwak3): added doc for logging
Redmine Admin
20:18 Biwak Revision ba35670f (libbiwak3): fixed qt5 usage
Redmine Admin
20:17 Biwak Revision 34c84235 (libbiwak3): fixed heartbeat class
Redmine Admin
16:39 Campo Feature #360 (Erledigt): Split further sensor library
For some sensors an seperate library would be easier to handle when they are also accessible on linux.
having all ha...
Maximilian Seesslen


22:19 Biwak Revision 64c7eab9 (libbiwak3): cmake: fixed handling Qt5 abd Qt6
Redmine Admin
20:40 Biwak Revision 81ced467 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'master' of
Redmine Admin
17:25 Biwak Revision f2d3bb37 (libbiwak3): cmake: cleanup
Maximilian Seesslen
17:25 Biwak Revision a082d72e (libbiwak3): work with QT5 or Qt6
Maximilian Seesslen
15:49 Biwak Revision 5aa488d0 (libbiwak3): cmake: cleanup
Maximilian Seesslen
15:35 Biwak Revision 44d191f5 (libbiwak3): work with QT5 or Qt6
Maximilian Seesslen


12:00 Biwak Revision 71b3ea87 (libbiwak3): sd: pause after write
Redmine Admin
10:00 Biwak Revision f62fb24c (libbiwak3): sd: fixed clock
Redmine Admin
09:55 Biwak Revision 0c17570b (libbiwak3): sd: implemented errorCode()
Redmine Admin


14:59 Biwak Revision a089f7ae (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
12:30 Biwak Revision 54c0dffd (libbiwak3): fixed syscall symbols
Redmine Admin
12:30 Biwak Revision 05f84ec2 (libbiwak3): use Qt6
Redmine Admin


10:54 TCB Fehler #358 (Erledigt): Debugging not working on 1.6.5
On command line gdb is working well. Openocd does not show any output when trying with Qtcreator.
Install 1.6.4. o...
Maximilian Seesslen


14:31 TCB Fehler #357 (Neu): python-host: on debian pip and setuptools are not created automatically
On Ubuntu these packages just exist aftern instaling python-host.
No additional build necessary.
Maybe just a con...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:58 CANDis Feature #185: Evaluate RTC calibration
This can be a perfect job for analytics software. Maximilian Seesslen
11:54 CANDis Feature #356 (Erledigt): remove standalone canmon application
Maximilian Seesslen
11:43 TCB Feature #355 (Neu): activate chroot tests again
* build on ubuntu focal
* build without hosttools installed on host (use own installation)
* build with hosttools i...
Maximilian Seesslen


15:05 TCB Fehler #354 (Neu): autoconf directory from host is used
... Maximilian Seesslen


11:11 TCB Fehler #351: asciidoc (host) does not get installed
This worked:... Maximilian Seesslen
10:52 TCB Fehler #351: asciidoc (host) does not get installed Maximilian Seesslen
10:49 TCB Fehler #351 (Erledigt): asciidoc (host) does not get installed
Needed for generating the readme.
Maybe some further changes to support pip for package installation.
Maximilian Seesslen

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