



von 01.11.2022 bis 30.11.2022


13:24 libocelli Feature #324 (In Bearbeitung): Slider widget
Maximilian Seesslen
13:23 libocelli Feature #324 (Erledigt): Slider widget
8 LED bars;
press indicator ring around all. Drawing like a real button
int theorie ((320 - 64) - (64 - 48)) / 8 ...
Maximilian Seesslen


13:43 CANDis Feature #323 (Erledigt): Show icons in round clock
* remove "MINUTNIK" string
* replace state-string with time
* Show icon on top; the SItem already contains an CIcon...
Maximilian Seesslen
10:11 Minutnik eInk Feature #322 (Erledigt): Put SPI flash on deep sleep
Maximilian Seesslen


17:51 Minutnik eInk Feature #322 (Erledigt): Put SPI flash on deep sleep
The power consumption is quite high.
Maximilian Seesslen
10:17 libocelli Feature #305: ImgCat
Works perfectly.
Global Header missing.
When article-ID and Version does not match, automatically start PhonyBL.
Maximilian Seesslen


11:52 libocelli Feature #320 (Erledigt): Implement Qt display
Maximilian Seesslen


19:24 libocelli Feature #320: Implement Qt display Maximilian Seesslen
13:14 libocelli Feature #320 (Erledigt): Implement Qt display
For documentation some screenshots are needed. In the Qt way there is an Ui-class which with an setupUi(QWidget *).
Maximilian Seesslen


14:10 CANDis Feature #319 (Erledigt): Implement Screensaver
The "nice shiny" Clock with time and date.
Maximilian Seesslen
13:46 PhonyBL Feature #318 (Erledigt): Implement CRC/XOR verification
Its completely ignored at the moment. Maximilian Seesslen
13:36 PhonyBL Feature #317 (Neu): Implement big Statemachine
Currently the bootloader is blocking within an command.
In theorie USB data may not be received without calling even...
Maximilian Seesslen
10:56 PhonyBL Feature #314 (Erledigt): Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
Well, it works. Maximilian Seesslen


16:32 Biwak Feature #301 (Erledigt): Get rid of strange timer calculations
Maximilian Seesslen
16:31 Biwak Feature #308 (Erledigt): implement CHeartBeat
Maximilian Seesslen


15:34 PhonyBL Feature #314: Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
Buffer-ring is implemented.
But its still copied within the ISR.
Need to leave the ISR and to call the eventloop.
Maximilian Seesslen


14:10 PhonyBL Feature #314: Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
The buffer in the usb_class is only 0x10. Maximilian Seesslen


10:30 PhonyBL Feature #314: Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
Connection works.
Packet-Size in USB-Class fixed.
Update still does not work. Phony-BL get timeouts.
Maximilian Seesslen


12:53 PhonyBL Feature #314: Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
A copy from "lsusb -v" of an FTDI-adapter... Maximilian Seesslen
12:40 PhonyBL Feature #314 (Erledigt): Use USB CDC connection for bootloader
Not sure if it works out of the box with ttyACM; maybe the USB-code in biwak has to be changed to let the device appo... Maximilian Seesslen
12:39 PhonyBL Feature #310 (Erledigt): implement on candis
Done. Works nicely. Maximilian Seesslen
11:23 CANDis Feature #312 (Erledigt): Implement config Screen
Interface: USB/CAN
Screen-saver: ON/OFF
Default Screen: Main/Light/Timer

Maximilian Seesslen
11:14 CANDis Fehler #304 (Erledigt): USB terminal not working
Maximilian Seesslen
11:08 Biwak Feature #311 (Neu): Implement DMA USB
Would be nict to receive data from USB and store data to SPI flash at the same time. Maximilian Seesslen
11:05 Biwak Feature #309 (Erledigt): Implement USB-CDC (again)
Done. Maximilian Seesslen


13:46 PhonyBL Feature #310 (Erledigt): implement on candis
Maximilian Seesslen


18:19 Biwak Feature #309: Implement USB-CDC (again)
An bringup test is not needed; its an bringup test, not an biwak test. Maximilian Seesslen
18:13 Biwak Feature #309 (Erledigt): Implement USB-CDC (again)
Maximilian Seesslen
17:52 libocelli Feature #238 (Erledigt): implement Navi-Screen
Maximilian Seesslen
17:34 Biwak Feature #308 (Erledigt): implement CHeartBeat
There is the "trouble" function implemented for sensemux.
It should be integrated to an heartbeat class.
* good (...
Maximilian Seesslen


13:34 libocelli Feature #305 (Erledigt): ImgCat
Image cataloge format for SPI-Flash.
* Splash
* Photo
* Icon
* End
* Font
* Raw RGBA
* Raw...
Maximilian Seesslen
10:58 CANDis Fehler #304 (Erledigt): USB terminal not working
maybe its just in HID-Mode Maximilian Seesslen


10:00 libcampo Feature #302 (Abgewiesen): writeHwInfo: support multiple layout versions
Split converting functions to own file and have different functions.
The "" file needs to contain variable...
Maximilian Seesslen


14:39 Biwak Feature #301 (Erledigt): Get rid of strange timer calculations

prescaler=( cpu / target / 65536 ) + 1;
period=( cpu / target / prescaler );

prescaler = i...
Maximilian Seesslen


10:48 Minutnik eInk Feature #295 (Erledigt): have an alias name for the device
Maximilian Seesslen
10:48 Minutnik eInk Feature #295 (Erledigt): have an alias name for the device
Show either the serial number or the device alisa name on the display. Maximilian Seesslen
10:47 Minutnik eInk Feature #293 (Erledigt): Bringup: add calibration measurement functions
Maximilian Seesslen
10:46 Minutnik eInk Fehler #279 (Erledigt): ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
It was the STOP mode in delay() which reseted periphery. Maximilian Seesslen

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