von 02.10.2022 bis 31.10.2022
19:32 Biwak Revision 0016871b (libbiwak3): draft
17:48 Minutnik eInk Feature #293: Bringup: add calibration measurement functions
- Actually not needed but implemented.
The values are quite close.
Serno.1: 4031
Serno.2: 4029
14:38 Biwak Revision aff03233 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'master' of /media/mase/Backup/srv/git/src/libbiwak
14:38 Biwak Revision bafc9123 (libbiwak3): stm32l1: don't use HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode() for delay() because it resets periphery
14:42 Minutnik eInk Fehler #279: ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
- This can be added to bringup tests.
14:39 Minutnik eInk Feature #293 (Erledigt): Bringup: add calibration measurement functions
- Device should be able to calibrate itself and store the values in eeprom.
10:57 Minutnik eInk Fehler #286 (Abgewiesen): ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
- Duplicate
19:28 Biwak Revision 711a651c (libbiwak3): QSPI: further cleanup
19:18 Biwak Revision d3af20c9 (libbiwak3): QSPI: further cleanup
19:09 Biwak Revision 31d69872 (libbiwak3): QSPI: cleanup
18:48 Biwak Revision d02705df (libbiwak3): QSPI: memory mapping works
18:12 Biwak Revision 99935332 (libbiwak3): QSPI: writing/reading basically works
17:21 Biwak Revision 049e887e (libbiwak3): draft for QSPI
13:05 Biwak Revision 7e58c1f2 (libbiwak3): reaft for QSPI
11:20 Minutnik eInk Fehler #279: ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
- return ADC value 0 and set heartbeat led to error blinking.
11:19 Minutnik eInk Fehler #286 (Abgewiesen): ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
- Reason unclear.
At least the "trouble"-mechanism of sensemux could be used to indicate the problem via LED.
Assum... -
11:12 Biwak Revision 946b212e (libbiwak3): updated font
10:46 Minutnik eInk Fehler #283 (Erledigt): SPI Flash not working
- Error in App-file; CS was not used.
10:13 Biwak Revision e1246a1d (libbiwak3): added header for input_ni
10:01 Biwak Feature #284 (Erledigt): implement sd-card support
10:01 Biwak Feature #284 (Erledigt): implement sd-card support
09:59 Biwak Revision 2cab6cf1 (libbiwak3): flash_cpi: dont have falsh size 1 on error
11:11 Minutnik eInk Fehler #283 (Erledigt): SPI Flash not working
- Test fails.
Size is "0".
Did the previous test report work?
11:10 Minutnik eInk Feature #280 (Erledigt): Show Serial number in display
11:09 Minutnik eInk Feature #281 (Erledigt): Display: Version: dont show SHA
10:39 libcampo Feature #222 (Erledigt): bringup: add results with type info
22:23 libcampo Feature #259 (Erledigt): embed resources into binaries
22:01 libcampo Feature #282 (Erledigt): gitversion: add compact version with dirty indication
19:09 libcampo Feature #282 (Erledigt): gitversion: add compact version with dirty indication
- Sometimes its enough to know that it is dirty and there are changes to version tag. But there might not be enough spa...
19:04 Minutnik eInk Feature #281 (Erledigt): Display: Version: dont show SHA
- Not enough space. Implement a compact string in libcampo.
19:02 Minutnik eInk Feature #280 (Erledigt): Show Serial number in display
- I did not even mark the PCB :/
18:55 Minutnik eInk Fehler #279 (Erledigt): ADC breaks after buzzer alarm
- Reason unclear.
At least the "trouble"-mechanism of sensemux could be used to indicate the problem via LED.
22:40 libcampo Feature #278 (Erledigt): add hwdata layout v5.0
11:40 libcampo Feature #278 (Erledigt): add hwdata layout v5.0
- The layout is strange at the moment; redundant fields.
2Byte Article/Family (e.g. Minutnik-Oled, Minutnik-eInk, Mi... -
20:40 Minutnik eInk Feature #274 (Erledigt): implement USB-Mode
20:30 Biwak Revision 53c39d0a (libbiwak3): dont print warning when ADC could not start
20:29 Biwak Revision f99fbc96 (libbiwak3): fixed font
20:07 Minutnik eInk Fehler #276 (Abgewiesen): GDB Breakpoints are not working
- duplicate
16:32 Minutnik eInk Fehler #276 (Abgewiesen): GDB Breakpoints are not working
- Can't write hwdata this way.
Working with debugger still works; i can hold and continue so pins are not completely m... -
20:06 Minutnik eInk Fehler #277 (Erledigt): GDB Breakpoints are not working
"gdb_breakpoint_override hard" had to be set in openocd target file.-
17:42 Minutnik eInk Fehler #277: GDB Breakpoints are not working
- Depending on breakpoints gdb can call specific commands by itself;...
17:02 Minutnik eInk Fehler #277 (Erledigt): GDB Breakpoints are not working
- Halting and continuing is working so general SWD-Pin-Configuration is not totally bad.
* Is openocd showing valid ... -
16:28 Minutnik eInk Feature #255 (Erledigt): Start implementation of software
17:20 Biwak Revision 7c55ccd9 (libbiwak3): updated fonts
17:07 Biwak Revision 45be7dee (libbiwak3): updated fonts
16:42 Biwak Revision f5749aa0 (libbiwak3): updated fonts
16:35 Biwak Revision 7c2344d5 (libbiwak3): updated fonts and blinks
15:46 Biwak Revision 67d4a1d0 (libbiwak3): draft for sd card
14:10 Biwak Revision 2c5647ff (libbiwak3): cleanup
13:57 Biwak Revision 443f6459 (libbiwak3): added freeze handler
11:23 Biwak Revision 1c60957a (libbiwak3): draft
10:09 Biwak Revision 3dc83ee9 (libbiwak3): cleanup
10:09 Biwak Revision b509461a (libbiwak3): beep-modes: added beep mode 'super short'
10:08 Biwak Revision 3e0084ea (libbiwak3): wkup: use internal pulldown
10:53 Minutnik eInk Feature #274 (Erledigt): implement USB-Mode
- When device is running on USB, the behaviour should be different.
* Fancy intro
* No timers can be started
* LED...
11:22 Minutnik eInk Feature #270 (Neu): Font in SPI-Flash
- The drawText-function does not support fonts on SPI-Flash.
Not needed at the moment?
10:55 Minutnik eInk Feature #255: Start implementation of software
- Configuration in internal EEPROM missing.
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