von 05.01.2022 bis 03.02.2022
17:50 miniminutnik Feature #133 (Erledigt): implement corona mode again
- The guideline changed.
Now the fentilation is every 20 minutes for 3 minutes.
The mode has only to be supported on ... -
16:17 miniminutnik Feature #132 (Abgewiesen): Lower down CPU speed
- Also show CPU speed at startup.
This is more important than "Oh Tannenbaum".
16:15 miniminutnik Fehler #115: LEDs stay on some times
- Check IRQ-Routine that biwak-interrupt is called before HAL-Handler.
15:43 miniminutnik Feature #129 (Erledigt): Firmware for different MCUs
15:41 miniminutnik Fehler #115: LEDs stay on some times
- Only happens when voltage is very low.
14:52 Biwak Revision 4268a1f0 (libbiwak3): cleanup
14:10 Campo Fehler #130 (Erledigt): cmake gitversion.h is not correct
- Shows old revision. Header is not created reliably.
Why has it to be created per binary target?
Create test scrip... -
13:51 miniminutnik Feature #129 (Erledigt): Firmware for different MCUs
- 32K version can have more melodies.
Binaries must be stored for both MCUs
Install all files via "make install".
12:24 miniminutnik Feature #95 (Erledigt): use configuration in eeprom
12:23 miniminutnik Feature #105 (Abgewiesen): implement error mode
- Nope, just use default values.
12:21 miniminutnik Feature #104 (Erledigt): use HW-CRC for configuration check
- Cool. Switchable (sw vs. hw) via arena app file.
12:19 miniminutnik Feature #94 (Erledigt): implement hwData
11:48 Biwak Fehler #24 (Erledigt): get rid of periphery enums
11:44 Biwak Revision 3dd70c62 (libbiwak3): [#24] got rid of periphery enums
10:36 Biwak Unterstützung #128 (Erledigt): Rework interrupts
21:29 Biwak Feature #26 (Erledigt): Check necessity of controller-model dependant ISR names
- Works. Defines are still to be removed on some places.
21:26 Biwak Feature #107 (Erledigt): Rework class for ILI9341V
- Good enough.
21:19 Biwak Feature #25 (Abgewiesen): Finally get rid of static data
21:18 Biwak Revision 3790f161 (libbiwak3): [#25] get rid of staticData blocks
20:45 Biwak Revision 2a6728ee (libbiwak3): cleanup
19:45 Biwak Revision dbc719e4 (libbiwak3): cleanup
19:45 Biwak Revision ea2bb39d (libbiwak3): uart: dont inherit CInterrupt
19:45 Biwak Revision ae87f940 (libbiwak3): timer: dont inherit CInterrupt
19:44 Biwak Revision d2291b54 (libbiwak3): interrupt: cleanup
19:43 Biwak Revision 191a39f5 (libbiwak3): uart: got rid of uart periphery enum
19:41 Biwak Revision 29aec2c0 (libbiwak3): gpio: cleanup
19:40 Biwak Revision 99e22095 (libbiwak3): retain: optimize memory mapped flash (eeprom)
16:47 Biwak Revision 52e89174 (libbiwak3): removed printer.h
12:34 Biwak Revision 5574b1cb (libbiwak3): further reconstructions
11:36 Biwak Revision 51062333 (libbiwak3): cleanup
11:34 Biwak Revision 53582121 (libbiwak3): cleanup
11:27 Biwak Revision 69326168 (libbiwak3): uart: cleanup
11:12 Biwak Revision 628136a3 (libbiwak3): removed second parameter in exception()
- I was hoping for some saved bytes
10:57 Biwak Revision ccaa2fad (libbiwak3): use exception from biwak instead of lepto
10:08 Biwak Revision 971f5989 (libbiwak3): timer: remove getCounter()
19:43 Biwak Revision e1cc2a4e (libbiwak3): timer: cleanup
19:02 Biwak Revision a1ad349e (libbiwak3): pwm: cleanup
18:48 Biwak Revision 49882383 (libbiwak3): timer: cleanup
17:21 Biwak Revision 7142ef86 (libbiwak3): uart: cleanup
17:05 Biwak Revision 85bbe69c (libbiwak3): uart: optionaly avoid dynamic data
15:38 Biwak Revision c5ed7b16 (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'mase/devel'
15:37 Biwak Revision 60dc9ec4 (libbiwak3): [#128] cleanup
15:28 Biwak Revision ed8cb164 (libbiwak3): [#128] reworked interrupt handling
14:46 Biwak Unterstützung #128 (Erledigt): Rework interrupts
- The different ways, tables and stuff is anoying. Want to safe some flash memory.
20:10 Biwak Revision 83ccaf63 (libbiwak3): cleanup
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