



von 16.03.2020 bis 14.04.2020


13:59 Biwak Revision 676cd451 (libbiwak3): rtc: cleanup
Redmine Admin
12:47 Biwak Revision f679020b (libbiwak3): CAN: cleanup
Redmine Admin
12:21 Biwak Revision 3a8457c5 (libbiwak3): fixed CAN
Redmine Admin


18:18 Biwak Revision 78e4640c (libbiwak3): input: cleanup
Redmine Admin
17:43 Biwak Revision c9342ea7 (libbiwak3): input: implemented new input decoder classes
Redmine Admin


16:36 Biwak Revision 1d0b508d (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
16:36 Biwak Revision 55f7d49d (libbiwak3): flash_intern: return real size
Redmine Admin
16:35 Biwak Revision af806ece (libbiwak3): implemented spi flash commands
Redmine Admin


13:13 Biwak Revision 9235a482 (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
13:12 Biwak Revision cae5096f (libbiwak3): i2c: disable autoreset by default
no idea if this even works correctly on all chips. Redmine Admin
13:11 Biwak Revision 1b1f2e74 (libbiwak3): input implement slope filtering
ir remote controlls need rising and falling slopes.
Kastella sensors must only collect rising sensors.
Redmine Admin
13:09 Biwak Revision 45196745 (libbiwak3): pwm: implemented smooth frequency changes
avoid rattling sounds Redmine Admin


20:59 Biwak Revision 82143ced (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin
20:59 Biwak Revision 044ba12d (libbiwak3): draft
Redmine Admin


20:54 Biwak Revision 063d1174 (libbiwak3): GDisplay: implemented fast drawing method for filled circles
Redmine Admin
18:11 Biwak Revision 35468aad (libbiwak3): gdisplay: removed second line buffer
Redmine Admin
17:57 Biwak Revision cfa98f70 (libbiwak3): display: removed strech and clinch feature
Redmine Admin
17:14 Biwak Revision e21c1f9f (libbiwak3): improved ili9341 speed
Redmine Admin
13:14 Biwak Revision 96b55c7b (libbiwak3): Merge branch 'mase/devel'
Redmine Admin
13:14 Biwak Revision 776c6232 (libbiwak3): added bme680, max3185, ws2814
Redmine Admin

Auch abrufbar als: Atom