



von 31.10.2024 bis 29.11.2024


13:54 Biwak Feature #586 (Neu): Test implemention of eventLoop class
Would be nice to have an automated way for eventLoop handling.... Maximilian Seesslen
13:51 Biwak Feature #575: Implement function to configure OSC with HSI only
When compiling with high optimization, dead code is already optimized out.
Only debug builds are getting smaller.
Maximilian Seesslen


11:42 Kokon Feature #585 (Erledigt): Implement scanning nodes and switching run mode
There has to be an object for the runMode.
When scannning devices, each device sends its runMode.
If not already in...
Maximilian Seesslen


17:49 Feature #584 (Erledigt): How to handle time_t
Can be controlled with "newlib-long-time_h" in meson.
Having 32bit:
* Overflow 2038
Having 64bit:
* Arithmeti...
Maximilian Seesslen


16:21 Biwak Feature #575 (Neu): Implement function to configure OSC with HSI only
The HAL-OSC-Config function is quite large.It has to contain every scenario.
An HSI-only version should shrink binar...
Maximilian Seesslen
16:09 Biwak Fehler #568 (In Bearbeitung): flash-i2c: avoid delays; check for busy
Create statistic, how long it may need.
Maximilian Seesslen

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