von 24.01.2023 bis 22.02.2023
- 18:25 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
- How to measure the 'cost';
* Build debug (CANRec), release; track sizes
* create feature-branch
* implement it
* ... - 13:31 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
- Alignment would be also ok in the "pretty-print" version;...
- 12:27 liblepto Feature #367: log: implement lDebugAssert
- ...
- 12:26 liblepto Feature #367 (Erledigt): log: implement lDebugAssert
- Biwak classes should be able to indicate errors in debug mode
that may be handled in application layer later.
- 12:26 Cordyceps Feature #365 (Neu): Show event marker in plots
- Just another kind of diagram;
Show vertical dottet lines when a plant was watered.
- 17:12 Cordyceps Feature #363 (Neu): Show marker in plots
- Just horizontal lines for min/max values for 3 sensor kinds.
- 16:39 Feature #360 (Erledigt): Split further sensor library
- For some sensors an seperate library would be easier to handle when they are also accessible on linux.
having all ha...
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