



von 07.05.2022 bis 05.06.2022


16:29 Feature #144: implement hwdata stterm command
It uses the readHwInfo from Platform implementation. So storage location is not implied to the command.
readHwInfo v...
Maximilian Seesslen
13:55 Feature #194 (Erledigt): Move class tester to class "CBringup" in libcampo
The class may use some other libraries.
The bringup could also make some sanity-checks for libc.
(E.g. strtol("5") ...
Maximilian Seesslen


14:52 Biwak Feature #190 (Erledigt): add host tool canpong
Create an test tool for host that will receive can messages, increase the id by one and send it back.
Maximilian Seesslen


12:21 Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
Auto-Tagging is bad. Reduce functions;
- prepareTag
- createDocumentation
- uploadDocumentation
- createArchive
Maximilian Seesslen


17:53 Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
With Software this is fine.
In der Hardware entsteht die Doku i.d.R. nach der Inbetriebnahme.
Hochzahlen des Patc...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:42 Feature #176: create custom targets to cmake file to create and deploy documents
Little bit more complicated.
The open Changelogs may have to be merged (relay this feature)
Tags in the files hav...
Maximilian Seesslen

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