von 17.10.2022 bis 15.11.2022
- 11:08 Feature #311 (Neu): Implement DMA USB
- Would be nict to receive data from USB and store data to SPI flash at the same time.
- 11:05 Feature #309 (Erledigt): Implement USB-CDC (again)
- Done.
- 18:19 Feature #309: Implement USB-CDC (again)
- An bringup test is not needed; its an bringup test, not an biwak test.
- 18:13 Feature #309 (Erledigt): Implement USB-CDC (again)
- 17:34 Feature #308 (Erledigt): implement CHeartBeat
- There is the "trouble" function implemented for sensemux.
It should be integrated to an heartbeat class.
* good (...
- 14:39 Feature #301 (Erledigt): Get rid of strange timer calculations
prescaler=( cpu / target / 65536 ) + 1;
period=( cpu / target / prescaler );
prescaler = i...
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