



von 17.08.2022 bis 15.09.2022


16:45 Feature #241 (Neu): implement SPI DMA transmit
Beep-Modes sound horrible when something is drawn on display.
* e.g. injecting eventLoops while drawing something ...
Maximilian Seesslen


19:33 Unterstützung #224 (Erledigt): EXTI: implement new interrupt procedure
Maximilian Seesslen
19:32 Feature #226 (Erledigt): CPwmLine: implement blink mode
Maximilian Seesslen
11:35 Feature #228 (Abgewiesen): CPwmLine: implement blink mode adjustement
The beep mode e.g. handles fade in/out Light or to have an smothly blinking LED.
A special feature is needed to en...
Maximilian Seesslen


12:55 Feature #190 (Erledigt): add host tool canpong
Moved to libcampo. Maximilian Seesslen
12:51 Feature #225 (Erledigt): Implement TSC2007 touch controller
Done. Maximilian Seesslen
12:50 Feature #218 (Erledigt): Clean up CAN code
Maximilian Seesslen


14:17 Feature #226 (Erledigt): CPwmLine: implement blink mode
The beep mode changes frequency according to array.
The blink mode should change pwm values.This is neccessary to fa...
Maximilian Seesslen
11:07 Feature #225 (Erledigt): Implement TSC2007 touch controller
Not completed yet. Only part of CANDis main.cpp.
Maximilian Seesslen
11:05 Unterstützung #224 (Erledigt): EXTI: implement new interrupt procedure
The current implementation looks a little bit strange.
The CExti is no interrupt but the CInput is.
CExti should be...
Maximilian Seesslen


18:14 Feature #190: add host tool canpong
Move tool to campo. Its "CBringup"-specific. Maximilian Seesslen


11:19 Feature #190: add host tool canpong
Move it to campo. Its related to CBringup. Maximilian Seesslen


16:17 Feature #218 (Erledigt): Clean up CAN code
Clean up all the timing calculation garbage.
The values should be determined only by the periphery clock and bus Spe...
Maximilian Seesslen

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