Aktivität von Redmine Admin
von 26.07.2021 bis 24.08.2021
- 13:01 Campo Fehler #19: multiple binaries in single cmake project
- several binaries are ok; bringup, eval, different features etc.
- 12:59 Biwak Fehler #24: get rid of periphery enums
- They are needed in the implementation-part for dynamic config. Thats ok.
- 12:56 Hardware Fehler #32 (Neu): Move the notes from "warehouse" to redmine.
- Having an additional application is not effective.
- 12:48 NUC64DEBUG Fehler #31 (Neu): BOOT0 Button pulls pin low instead of high
- Comment in schematics even explains the resistor value for pulling it high.
- 22:45 Hardware Order #28 (Erledigt): STM32G441KBT6
- 13:06 Hardware Order #28 (Erledigt): STM32G441KBT6
- https://www.reichelt.de/arm-cortex-m4f-mikrocontroller-32-bit-2-3-6v-128kb-lqfp-32-stm32g441kbt6-p264412.html?&trstct...
- 12:49 Biwak Feature #26 (Erledigt): Check necessity of controller-model dependant ISR names
- Just implement every possible name and let the selection done by the linker map file?
This would avoid precompiler i... - 12:32 Biwak Feature #25 (Abgewiesen): Finally get rid of static data
- That should all be moved to arena and be replaced by the configData-Blocks.
Libbiwak is not the controler database, ... - 12:17 NUC64DEBUG Fehler #12: Serial port does not work through adapter
- Will be verified with bringup of canio
- 12:08 TCB Feature #10 (In Bearbeitung): Use Pico-libc
- 11:59 Biwak Fehler #24 (Erledigt): get rid of periphery enums
- They are platform dependant.
With new configData-mechanism they should not be needed anyhow.
- 14:07 Campo Fehler #19 (Erledigt): multiple binaries in single cmake project
- There can not be multiple MCUs at the same time because Libs are compiled once.
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