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Maximilian Seesslen, 05.10.2022 11:38
Display: WSH-12561; 37,32x31,8; 200x200Pixel; eval board funktioniert
Akku: 31063 (Garmin Fenix 3) 300mAh; 300 mAh; 31,6 x 24,8 x 4,3; Reichelt
Pixel-data is 5KB ((200*200)/8); need bigger MCU; but the STM32L433CCU6 i have is too much
STM32L433CCU6: Too much
STM32L151C6U6A waers eigentlich. USB, 128KB Flash, 32KB SRAM, EEPROM 32KB Flash, 10KB RAM, hat USB
STM32L051C8T6; no USB
STM32L053C8T6; 11,60Euro, whatt?
Check the binary size. Along with USB.
- Fonts, USB, Terminal, Debug, LUT: 29616
- Fonts, USB, Terminal, RelWIthDebug, LUT: 22884
Alphabet: 22 Zeichen * 8 Bytes= 176 Bytes. Display-Content 5000 Bytes.
32KByte koennten reichen. Versions on Display optional.
4KByte EEPROM fuer Settings.
nice, compact
Lade-Chip: https://www.mouser.de/datasheet/2/268/MCP73871_Data_Sheet_DS20002090F-2932254.pdf
VCI wants 3V3. VDDIO may be less but is not specified. Reference schematics connects VDDIO directly to VCI.
Start with 3V3.
"ad_mcp73871" is getting manufactured. Lets see how it behaves on V_OUT.
V_OUT is ok. But there is no discharge protection. Additional chip needed like:- AP9211; normal 3.0μA (Typ.), 4.5μA (Max.); Power-Down 0.1μA
Open points¶
MCU: 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply, would need LDO. Would need this self-holding-mosfet chain. Would need seperate battery for RTC. MCU has not VBAT.
There are low IQ LDOs. "((48*1000)/1,6) / 24 / 356" = 3,511236 years.
ADC can also be connected directly. Stop working at 3V. There is no "Low-Battery" signal on the ordered revision of the MCP73871.
LDO mit shutdown/enable: AP2127
- Run with Battery < 3V;
Is Shutdown of MCP73871 workingNo, need additional part; AP9211SA-AL-HAC-7, AP9101CAK6-ANTRG1.- Is Low-Battery-Detection implemented on STM32 working?
ad_mcp73871- ad_mcp73871_2; Ohne das Switch-gedoens. Mit ADC Ausgang. Wiederstaende muessen ja noch nicht passen.
- STM32L151C6U6A; 48Pins; 32KB Flash; UFQFPN
- MCP73871 (Charger)
- AP9211SA-AL-HAC-7 (Protector)
- 31063 (Garmin Fenix 3)
Next try¶
- eInk-Schaltung plus STNS01 plus buzzer/LEDs/button
- https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stns01.pdf
- Shutdown is not usable because input power has to be connected again.
- max. 150mA
- Ibat= max 10μA; ((300000 / 10) / 24) / 364 = approx. 3,4340659 ano
- Ganz normale WKUP-Schaltung vom MM
- ueber Mosfets anschalten wenn USB gesteckt wird, zweiter WKUP?
- 5 items
- LEDs: HB, User, Chrg, VUSB
- Kein seperater LDO fuer Display; auch programmieren ohne USB-Verbindung soll moeglich sein
- Flash fuer Symbole oder weitere Schriften.
- eInk-eval mit 3V testen
- With 120Ohm device lives around 2 days
- STN01 draws 10 μA when I_LDO=0; in theory 3,4 years for
- With the 2 dark LEDS permanent on: ((300000 / 6010) / 24) = 2 days; plausible!
- STM32 draws 0.28 μA Standby mode (3 wakeup pins)
- 1.11 μA Standby mode + RTC
- Resistor directly on V_LDO-Output of STNS01 is bad because the VDD would change depending how many LEDs are turned on
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert · 45 Revisionen