


Eval » Historie » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Redmine Admin, 10.12.2021 15:17) → Revision 6/8 (Redmine Admin, 13.12.2021 13:05)

h1. Eval

h2. Battery life

"Unterschwelleneffekt": / leakage current

Buzzer is now driven by MOSFET. The "Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current" is relevant for battery life in unused status.
Most manufactures specify an "Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current" of 1µA at 20-30V. Temperature has an big impact.

Vergleichen mit verwendetem Transistor;
"NPN": (3.2.2019)
IE scheint 0, ICB ist mit 100nA angegeben

Einfach Messen... ist sowieso ein guter Geraete-Test

The MCU STM32L031x4 runs with 1.65V to 3.6V. "Battery1": "Battery2": specify a capacity of 235mAh to 2.0 volts
LEDs should be visible at 2Volts.