


Eval » Historie » Version 6

Redmine Admin, 26.11.2021 14:06

1 1 Redmine Admin
h1. Eval
3 6 Redmine Admin
h2. V2
--New version with I2C EEPROM?-- Oh wait, there is an internal EEPROM.
5 2 Redmine Admin
Uart not even neccessary. Fancy GDB-Magic can be used.
6 1 Redmine Admin
At the moment its probably an STM32L011F4P6.
7 3 Redmine Admin
So UART would be nice then. Assume its already wired correctly.
8 4 Redmine Admin
9 5 Redmine Admin
An adapter for UART to USB would be nice. So able to configure it without STLink. MCP2221 looks good.
10 1 Redmine Admin
STM32L031F6P6 has 32KB.January 2022. EEPROM is also integrated. Pin-kompability to be checked.
11 6 Redmine Admin
UART works as expected. Binary Size is still ok (Release only, Debug not possible).
STerm is way to big (4K over size). Have to look whats the issue there.