Eval-V2 » Historie » Revision 16
Revision 15 (Maximilian Seesslen, 28.02.2025 17:32) → Revision 16/20 (Maximilian Seesslen, 06.03.2025 11:01)
h1. Eval-V2
h2. New Features
* More current
* fixed PCB traces
* Fix Wakeup
* Periodic wakeups to make measurements
* Diode ? Voltage-Drop issue
** Ideal diode with Mosfet
* High voltage (24V) ?
** Different connectors
* A global Timeserver
* Buzzer?
** indicate peridoc on/off during day time
h2. Components
* Traffo: "tmps05-105":https://www.tme.eu/Document/d1c9cd5c900987a008a2a0454f3785a2/tmps05-datasheet.pdf
* 80 %
* max 1000mA, 1300mA peak
* "All":https://www.tme.eu/de/katalog/ac-dc-wandler-fur-leiterplatten_100433/?params=625:1856228;364:1450053;632:1819548,1819551,1819846,1819795,1819351,1819855,1819565,1819567,1819554,1819560;1776:1454716&queryPhrase=spannungswandler&productListOrderBy=1000014
* AMEL20-5S277HAVZ
* 85%
* 4A max
* MPM-20-5; 20W; 85%
Ideal Diode:
* VN7140ASTR; up to 0,280 ohm, 0,120 Ohm typical
* LTC4412; 2,9V
* MAX40200; 1A
h2. Calculations
* 240V/600mA eigentlich ausreichend; 144W
* AQH3213A
* STM32F030K6T6 should draw 20µA in stop
* 700mAh=700000µAh
* 700000µAh/20µA=3500h=1458d=ca 4 years
h2. MCU
* "Find":https://www.tme.eu/de/katalog/st-mikrocontroller_112866/?params=375:1453589,1453450,1853043,1634756,1634761,1938598,1473784,1613924;3461:1979124,1979125
* STM32F072C8T6
** 2V, ok, Entladeaschlussspannung
** Nur LQFP48; 4.53Euro
** 1,70 € Reichelt
* STM32H503CBT6, "STM32H503KBU6":https://www.tme.eu/Document/e92fcde7cdebb20ebbd5639f57dc7863/stm32h503cb.pdf
** 3.20Euro
* Fuer VBAT wird beim STM32H503KBU6 auch FQFP48 benoetigt.
h2. New Features
* More current
* fixed PCB traces
* Fix Wakeup
* Periodic wakeups to make measurements
* Diode ? Voltage-Drop issue
** Ideal diode with Mosfet
* High voltage (24V) ?
** Different connectors
* A global Timeserver
* Buzzer?
** indicate peridoc on/off during day time
h2. Components
* Traffo: "tmps05-105":https://www.tme.eu/Document/d1c9cd5c900987a008a2a0454f3785a2/tmps05-datasheet.pdf
* 80 %
* max 1000mA, 1300mA peak
* "All":https://www.tme.eu/de/katalog/ac-dc-wandler-fur-leiterplatten_100433/?params=625:1856228;364:1450053;632:1819548,1819551,1819846,1819795,1819351,1819855,1819565,1819567,1819554,1819560;1776:1454716&queryPhrase=spannungswandler&productListOrderBy=1000014
* AMEL20-5S277HAVZ
* 85%
* 4A max
* MPM-20-5; 20W; 85%
Ideal Diode:
* VN7140ASTR; up to 0,280 ohm, 0,120 Ohm typical
* LTC4412; 2,9V
* MAX40200; 1A
h2. Calculations
* 240V/600mA eigentlich ausreichend; 144W
* AQH3213A
* STM32F030K6T6 should draw 20µA in stop
* 700mAh=700000µAh
* 700000µAh/20µA=3500h=1458d=ca 4 years
h2. MCU
* "Find":https://www.tme.eu/de/katalog/st-mikrocontroller_112866/?params=375:1453589,1453450,1853043,1634756,1634761,1938598,1473784,1613924;3461:1979124,1979125
* STM32F072C8T6
** 2V, ok, Entladeaschlussspannung
** Nur LQFP48; 4.53Euro
** 1,70 € Reichelt
* STM32H503CBT6, "STM32H503KBU6":https://www.tme.eu/Document/e92fcde7cdebb20ebbd5639f57dc7863/stm32h503cb.pdf
** 3.20Euro
* Fuer VBAT wird beim STM32H503KBU6 auch FQFP48 benoetigt.