Eval » Historie » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Maximilian Seesslen, 27.07.2023 16:38) → Revision 4/13 (Maximilian Seesslen, 07.10.2024 15:03)
h1. Eval
Relatively big MCU; Standard periphery can be tested within a single bringup run. Protocol can be added to biwak/arena release.
No further use?
* Alarm clock
* CANBuzzer
* Reference RTC clock
** CANSwitches have PWM output but no RTC. For light switches this compination makes sense. CANDis could do this. At least in combination with buzzers nice.
STM32L433CCU6; 48pins; 256KB Flash; "DS":https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l433cc.pdf
* Uart
* SPI-Flash
* I2C-EEPROM; 80Bytes + ?KB I2C-EEPROM
* I2C-Connector
* Buzzer
* LEDs
* Small LCD? waste of pins?
* PWM-LED; Golden Dragon?
* ADC (fixed resistors; 1/4 VDD)
* Button
Relatively big MCU; Standard periphery can be tested within a single bringup run. Protocol can be added to biwak/arena release.
No further use?
* Alarm clock
* CANBuzzer
* Reference RTC clock
** CANSwitches have PWM output but no RTC. For light switches this compination makes sense. CANDis could do this. At least in combination with buzzers nice.
STM32L433CCU6; 48pins; 256KB Flash; "DS":https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l433cc.pdf
* Uart
* SPI-Flash
* I2C-EEPROM; 80Bytes + ?KB I2C-EEPROM
* I2C-Connector
* Buzzer
* LEDs
* Small LCD? waste of pins?
* PWM-LED; Golden Dragon?
* ADC (fixed resistors; 1/4 VDD)
* Button