Eval » Historie » Revision 11
Revision 10 (Maximilian Seesslen, 08.10.2024 14:09) → Revision 11/13 (Maximilian Seesslen, 08.10.2024 14:14)
h1. Eval
Relatively big MCU; Standard periphery can be tested within a single bringup run. Protocol can be added to biwak/arena release.
Current use-case:
* I2C has an issue that some times the board has to wait at bootup quite long time till i2c eeprom is functional.
* SPI has an issue that some times the board has to wait at bootup quite long time till spi flash is functional.
* Code cleanup; does the code still work; e.g. Timers. Complete disfunctionality would not be seen some times.
* Want to develop something with nice debug output. Bootloader was a little bit nasty.
* Perform an complete bringup test for releasing libraries
No further use?
* Alarm clock
* CANBuzzer
* Reference RTC clock
** CANSwitches have PWM output but no RTC. For light switches this compination makes sense. CANDis could do this. At least in combination with buzzers nice.
STM32L433CCU6; 48pins; 256KB Flash; "DS":https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l433cc.pdf
* Uart, 2x
* SPI-Flash
* I2C-EEPROM; 80Bytes + ?KB
* I2C-Connector for sensors
* Buzzer
* LEDs
* Small LCD? waste of pins?
* PWM-LED; Golden Dragon?
* ADC (fixed resistors; 1/4 VDD)
* Button
Power-Cut would be a killer feature. But without companion?
Einfach "nur" einen CAN-bus stromfrei schalten.
Einzelnes Target antwortet dann "Gut" oder "Schlecht" und Parameter. Normale Applikation kann weiter laufen mit kleiner Erweiterung.
Evtl. sogar einfacher als das total isolierte Geraet am PC.
UART umschaltbar, naja, eher verwirrend. Noch eher multiplexen. Ohne DUT-Uart schon schwer. Schaltbares SWD waer schon nice.
Usecase: Geraet haengt sich nach 100ten boot auf.
Nicht fix verdrahtete Reset Leitungen aber auch ein Mist.
h1. Usecase I2C Problem
DUT versucht ein Byte vom EEPROM zu lesen.
Klappt dies nicht, wird Event code "Boot-Error" geliefert. Ansonsten "Booted Successfull".
Oder besser ein Bootresult Object:
0: Ok
-1: Problem
.>0: Anzahl der notwendigen loops des readouts
h1. Bauteile von Awaria
Debug von DUT;
Relatively big MCU; Standard periphery can be tested within a single bringup run. Protocol can be added to biwak/arena release.
Current use-case:
* I2C has an issue that some times the board has to wait at bootup quite long time till i2c eeprom is functional.
* SPI has an issue that some times the board has to wait at bootup quite long time till spi flash is functional.
* Code cleanup; does the code still work; e.g. Timers. Complete disfunctionality would not be seen some times.
* Want to develop something with nice debug output. Bootloader was a little bit nasty.
* Perform an complete bringup test for releasing libraries
No further use?
* Alarm clock
* CANBuzzer
* Reference RTC clock
** CANSwitches have PWM output but no RTC. For light switches this compination makes sense. CANDis could do this. At least in combination with buzzers nice.
STM32L433CCU6; 48pins; 256KB Flash; "DS":https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stm32l433cc.pdf
* Uart, 2x
* SPI-Flash
* I2C-EEPROM; 80Bytes + ?KB
* I2C-Connector for sensors
* Buzzer
* LEDs
* Small LCD? waste of pins?
* PWM-LED; Golden Dragon?
* ADC (fixed resistors; 1/4 VDD)
* Button
Power-Cut would be a killer feature. But without companion?
Einfach "nur" einen CAN-bus stromfrei schalten.
Einzelnes Target antwortet dann "Gut" oder "Schlecht" und Parameter. Normale Applikation kann weiter laufen mit kleiner Erweiterung.
Evtl. sogar einfacher als das total isolierte Geraet am PC.
UART umschaltbar, naja, eher verwirrend. Noch eher multiplexen. Ohne DUT-Uart schon schwer. Schaltbares SWD waer schon nice.
Usecase: Geraet haengt sich nach 100ten boot auf.
Nicht fix verdrahtete Reset Leitungen aber auch ein Mist.
h1. Usecase I2C Problem
DUT versucht ein Byte vom EEPROM zu lesen.
Klappt dies nicht, wird Event code "Boot-Error" geliefert. Ansonsten "Booted Successfull".
Oder besser ein Bootresult Object:
0: Ok
-1: Problem
.>0: Anzahl der notwendigen loops des readouts
h1. Bauteile von Awaria
Debug von DUT;