Wiki » Historie » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Maximilian Seesslen, 24.05.2022 14:32) → Revision 2/3 (Maximilian Seesslen, 24.05.2022 14:38)
h1. Wiki
Fosh is a simple shell for STM32 controllers.
h2. Commands
* date; get/set date
date x: set date to build-in time for debuging.
* i2c: interact with SPI flash
i2c: detects i2c slaves
i2c dump <address>: dumps an EEPRPOM
* sf: interact with SPI flash
sf: see 'sf info'
sf dump: dump
sf test: Destructive test for erase/read/write
sf info: Show information about the flash chip like size and vendor id.
* reset: resets the MCU
* bdinfo: show biwak info
* hwinfo: show hwinfo from eeprom
Fosh is a simple shell for STM32 controllers.
h2. Commands
* date; get/set date
date x: set date to build-in time for debuging.
* i2c: interact with SPI flash
i2c: detects i2c slaves
i2c dump <address>: dumps an EEPRPOM
* sf: interact with SPI flash
sf: see 'sf info'
sf dump: dump
sf test: Destructive test for erase/read/write
sf info: Show information about the flash chip like size and vendor id.
* reset: resets the MCU
* bdinfo: show biwak info
* hwinfo: show hwinfo from eeprom