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Maximilian Seesslen, 04.09.2024 20:43
There are some issues that can only be tested via power resets.
- SPI has an issue that it needs retries
- Looks like configuration I2C EEPROM gets reset to defaults
- RTC-offline-test (Wie lange haelt die RTC Batterie)
The device has an CANBus in and an CANBus out. The testsoftware is on the DUT. The DUT sends the command to toggle power line to Awaria via CAN.
The switch-off time has to be an parameter. The RTC-Tests will be complex, the Awaria software shall be simple and generic.
An data multiplexer can be used along with a mosfet for power line.
- MCU: The smallest thing
- Multiplexer:
- MC14551BDG bis zu 1K RON: 1050
- TS5A23166DCUR cool, 2 channels, up to 100mA, 1,8-6,5V
- Habe:
- DG408LEDQ-T1-GE3; ##273; 1:8
- Big EEPROM, device can store test info from DUT
Spannungs/Strom zu umstaendlich.
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor 5 Monaten aktualisiert · 6 Revisionen