Feature #428
Von Maximilian Seesslen vor etwa 1 Jahr aktualisiert
* In starting phase there is an auto-tune which requires traffic
* There are at least some CRC errors
h1. Send package
* find free slot
* store essage there
* Send it via RFM69
h2. Receive package
* If type is "Acknowledge"
** find corresponding message
** mark slot as free
* If regular message
** fill it in the receive buffer
** directly send acknowledge via RFM69
h2. Loop
* iterate Slots
* If message is older than ??ms, perform an resend
h2. Open points
* Acknowledge gets lost; retransmit started
** last-id for every net. Drop message if it matches
* RFM-Class receives messages in ISR as fast as possible. Sending acknowledge is done in the loop.
** Order should be preserved.
** Makes things super slow
* There are at least some CRC errors
h1. Send package
* find free slot
* store essage there
* Send it via RFM69
h2. Receive package
* If type is "Acknowledge"
** find corresponding message
** mark slot as free
* If regular message
** fill it in the receive buffer
** directly send acknowledge via RFM69
h2. Loop
* iterate Slots
* If message is older than ??ms, perform an resend
h2. Open points
* Acknowledge gets lost; retransmit started
** last-id for every net. Drop message if it matches
* RFM-Class receives messages in ISR as fast as possible. Sending acknowledge is done in the loop.
** Order should be preserved.
** Makes things super slow