

Name tmp117Gui
Release v0.0.2
Date 20220517
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tmp117Gui is a simple qt gui showing the sensor values of an TMP117 temperature sensor.


The project is cmake-based. Following commands can be used to compile the application:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 36


To run the application the i2c-bus has to be specified on which the sensor is connected to. The slave address is hardcoded to 0x48’’7Bit.

To find the correct i2c-bus following bash command line can be used:

for f in /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-* ; do  echo -n "${f##*-}: "; cat "$f/name"; done

This will print i2c busses and the devices which provide the bus. In the case an “ophio”-board is used, the bus is prided by an MCP2221.

Example output:

0: SMBus PIIX4 adapter port 0 at 0b00
1: SMBus PIIX4 adapter port 2 at 0b00
2: SMBus PIIX4 adapter port 1 at 0b20
3: MCP2221 usb-i2c bridge on hidraw4
4: NVIDIA i2c adapter 4 at b:00.0
5: NVIDIA i2c adapter 5 at b:00.0

In this example the correct MCP2221-bus is ‘3’.

The linux kernel module “i2c-dev” has to be loaded.

sudo modprobe i2c-dev

So following command will start the gui.

./tmp117Gui -b 3